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Take us back to T-Tec '23

After our third-place finish last year, the T-Tec surprises us once again.

Award Ceremony at T-Tec 2023

We return from this latest T-Tec with great success: we have won the prestigious Test-It Awards! This achievement will allow us to carry out a Proof of Concept with the support of Leonardo and Telespazio.

The T-Tec (Telespazio Technology Contest) is a prestigious international competition promoted by Telespazio, part of the Leonardo group, with the aim of stimulating innovation and research in strategic fields such as aerospace, security and satellite technologies. Open to students, researchers and startups from all over the world, the competition represents an important platform for highlighting innovative ideas and cutting-edge technological solutions. Participants have the opportunity to present projects that respond to real challenges in the sector, receiving feedback from experts and accessing collaboration possibilities for the future development of their ideas.

Thank you Telespazio and Leonardo for this chance: we will make you proud!

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